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New White paper on Student Housing Wiring

CTI just published a new white paper "Is Your Property Wiring Obsolete? We live in interesting times. We should plan for them."

There are many Student Housing properties that have low voltage wiring infrastructure that is approaching or beyond its useful service life. We discuss why and what to do about it.

You probably don’t think much about the wire in the walls and under the ground of your student housing community. It just sits there and works, mostly.

This wire though is essential to the smooth running of your wired and wireless Internet service to residents, and like any other physical system it has an operating lifespan. In addition, the technology industry does not stand still and the capabilities of the wire - and the demands on it - change over time.

You probably have two types of low voltage wiring at your property: fiber optic cable that distributes bandwidth around the property, and copper wire that connects the jacks in the wall to the closest fiber handoff. Both fiber and copper have potential challenges.

Read full paper HERE

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